Chaire Blériot-Fabre

Robust embedded avionic systems, from design to operation.

Since 2013, I'm the head of the chair Blériot-Fabre, at CentraleSupélec (Paris, France). The chair is a multi-year collaboration project sponsored by the international group SAFRAN. The chair is hosted at the Industrial Engineering Department of CentraleSupélec university (Paris, France).


The chair has objectives both in terms of research and in terms of teaching.


The chair Blériot-Fabre aims at developing the science and the engineering of complex systems, with two specific thematic fields: systems architecture and safety analyses, both essential for the design of avionic systems. Models, modeling languages and assessment algorithms are at the core of the scientific activities developed in the framework of the chair.


The chair is sponsoring the first year student course "Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes" (SE SE2150) as well as workshops to introduce students to systems engineering.


Former members

Louis Blériot and Henri Fabre

The chair has been wonderfully named after two french pioneers of aviation.

Louis Charles Joseph Blériot (1872 -1936) is an airplane designer and one of the pioneer pilot of French aviation. He has been the first to cross the channel on July the 25th onboard of the Blériot XI. He graduated from Ecole Centrale de Paris. Henri Marie Léonce Fabre (1882 -1984) is a French engineer and pilot. He invented the seaplane in 1910. He graduated from Supélec.